Social Justice Ministry

Social Justice Ministry

Our Social Justice Ministry is committed to providing service to the poor and the oppressed. Faith in action requires this ministry to study and investigate local and global social and systemic injustice and bring these concerns before the congregation for prayer and action. We support community programs including the ELCA Urban Outreach Center, The Shalom Center, and Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH), and other outreach programs.

The Social Justice Ministry engages the congregation in the church’s mission locally as well as in other countries and finds opportunities for churches in other countries to engage in mission with the congregation. We use resources from Global Mission of ELCA, Lutheran World Relief, the Lutheran World Federation, The Greater Milwaukee Synod and other ecumenical organizations.

Activities and Contacts

Social Justice Chair: Rose Caetta, [email protected]
Care for Creation: Dru Spitzer, [email protected]

Cupboard Bound Food Dist: Contact the church office, [email protected]

CUSH: Jay Labedz, [email protected]

Fair Trade Coffee: Nancy Lehrke, [email protected]

Soup Kitchen/Shalom Center: Linda McKinney, [email protected]

5K by 5: Russ Hahn, [email protected]

Sleeping Bag Coats: Russ Hahn, [email protected]