Sunday morning service is at 10:00 AM. .

Watch live streaming of our service on our Facebook Page or our YouTube channel, "Trinityflix".

Sunday service is held at 10:00AM. Viewing is also available online.

The work of the gospel continues through the many ministries of Trinity. We welcome all to partner with us.

If you are seeking a community of persons that lives their faith through service to others and the planet, join us. Feel free to contact us with questions or to learn about available opportunities.

Sunday worship is live-streamed through our YouTube channel (Trinityflix) and Facebook page. We welcome musical participation in the service. If you would like to share your vocal or instrumental gifts, please let us know.

Daily, prerecorded devotional calls are sent at 10:00 am to anyone who would like to receive them, especially those members and friends who may not have internet at home. Kathy Baas continues coordinating prayer concerns. If interested in serving on our prayer team, please contact the office at 694-5050.

Trinity continues to work at providing safe in-person worship opportunities. Air 'scrubbers' are in use in the sanctuary. For all gatherings at church masks are optional; please stay home if you are not feeling well.

Together, we remain committed to maintaining a safe worship space.

Please reach out to any council member with questions or concerns.

Peace be with you!

Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church


You don’t need another thing to do - but you might need someplace to be! (as in ‘be yourself’).
Join us. Come as you are.
Your friends are here.

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Our Mission

Participating in God’s mission of life.
"...Wherever Jesus went, people were welcomed and healed and loved and justice happened. As you go about your week, look for situations where that happens and thank God for it. But also look for places where it isn’t happening and think, 'how can I change that?'"




Worship With Us



10:00 AM


7104 - 39th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142


Welcoming and casual for
all ages and families


A sermon is a special type of speech. The pastor may think he or she knows how people will hear what is said but the Holy Spirit guides the pastor's words and the listener's thoughts in ways that deepen faith and restore hope.

All Sermons

Bible verse of the day

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Daily Devotional

Trinity co-op Preschool

It's that time of year again!

Find out more about Trinity's preschool programs!

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