May 2018

  May 6 + 13

8:00 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

Woody Knutson (Head Usher)

Mike Spitzer (Head Usher)

Jolene Odland

Dan Voelz

Laurette Haines

Steve Wendling


May 20 & 27

8:00 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

Randall Koch (Head Usher)

Paul Weyrauch (Head Usher)

Pat Mott

Roy Bishop

Mary Bishop

Brent Stanley

See responsible below.


Duties and Responsibilities

Before Worship Begins

Arrive 30 minutes before worship begins.  September through May worship starts at 8:00 and 9:30. Memorial Day through Labor Day, services begin at 9:00.

There is a head usher for each service.  The head usher at the first service is responsible for unlocking exterior doors, turning on all lights, and making sure bulletins are in place at the Narthex and Gathering Space entrances.

Two ushers should distribute bulletins in the Gathering Space at the doors into the Sanctuary.  One usher should distribute bulletins in the Narthex. One usher should be available for special needs, i.e.assisting visitors, checking with the pastor, etc.  There are both regular and large print bulletins available.

At the 9:30 service, ushers should offer congregants a song folder with the contemporary hymns (colored folders).

Prayer Book – Wait until the service starts before retrieving the prayer book (at the 9:30 service). This can be performed when closing the doors to the Gathering Space when the service starts. (This gives ample time to add a prayer before the service starts).

Childcare is available for those four years old and younger throughout Sunday morning.  The Nursery is located down the corridor and on the left. It is staffed with child care providers.  All children are welcome to worship.

Please make every effort to be helpful, caring and accommodating.  If you are aware of visitors, welcome them, invite them to sign the visitor’s book, encourage them to have a cup of coffee and show them to the Sanctuary.

During Worship

If the shades in the Gathering Space doors have not been let down, please do so during the Prelude.  The shades should be closed during worship. Close the doors to the Gathering Space, and main Narthex doors as the Prelude is completed, and the Pastor begins the service.

Sit near the doors and direct latecomers to a seat. Ushers may want to remain at the doors at least five-ten minutes into the service.

Take a count during each service.  Everyone is counted including choir, pastor, ushers, children in the nursery, etc.  Usually, this is done during the first hymn moving along the side aisles. Write the number on a paper and place it in the offering plate.

Prayer Book.  Located on a podium in the hallway, an usher should bring it forward to the Pastor during the Hymn of the Day.  Present it to the Pastor and return by the center aisle.

Offering—Usually four ushers receive the offering.  The assistant minister will hand two plates to the first two ushers who will then give one to the usher behind them.  The first two ushers each go the side aisles. Alternate pews. One usher brings the plates forward when the assembly stands for the offertory hymn.  Pastor receives the plates. Unless otherwise noted, the Sunday School children usually participate with the offering at the 9:30 service on the first Sunday of the month. Ushers should assist as needed.

Holy Communion—Communion at the Altar (first Sunday of the month).  Assistants come forward, and once inside the communion rail, the first two ushers insert the communion rail and then move to the lectern and pulpit sides to help communicants at the steps.  The second two ushers allow the choir to move forward for communion and then serve by indicating people in each pew to move forward. Keep people moving. Let the pastor know if there are any persons needing communion in their pew.  Ushers should receive communion last.

Holy Communion—Intinction. Ushers serve by inviting people to come forward for communion.  Ushers receive communion last.  Let the pastor know if there are any person needing communion in their pew.

Baptisms—Assist participants in a baptism any way you can.  Seat them in the front pews on the pulpit side. If unfamiliar with our customs, ushers should come forward and invite them to communion at the appropriate time.

After Worship

Open the Gathering Space doors after the Sending.  Straighten up in the Sanctuary. Arrange hymnals in racks, pick up bulletins from pews and place in recycling bins.

8:00 – Place the prayer book back on the podium so 9:30 service congregants can record their prayer concerns.

Head usher at the 9:30 service should lock all exterior doors including loft doors and turn out all lights and PA system.  If there is a function following worship, notify the Pastor which doors are locked or unlocked.

Important Things to Know

    • Know where the restrooms are located.
    • Know where the wheelchairs are located.
    • Know where those in wheelchairs may be seated.
    • Know where the first aid kit and defibrillator are located.
    • Know where fire extinguishers are located.
    • Know who doctors and nurses are in the congregation.
      • Doctors:
        • Dr. Jerome Quets
      • Nurses:
        • Betsi Smith –  usually attends 9:30 am service.
        • Rhonda Brennan – usually attend 9:30 am service.
        • Mary Kay Hahn – usually attends 8:00 am service.
        • Cindy Johnson
    • Pay attention to suspicious situations and report to head usher.