Our Fellowship Ministry seeks to create a healthy congregation through clear and frequent communication of upcoming events. We cultivate a sense of belonging, a sense of empowerment while encouraging members to participate more fully in the mission of the church. This participation nurtures one’s faith life throughout the week. Witness Ministry is passionate about reaching out to those separated from normal fellowship with the congregation due to illness, imprisonment or infirmity.

We also love to welcome visitors and guests as we view both as gifts from God. We feel that God speaks to us through visitors as we hear their hopes and concerns. Through our fall and spring Considering Trinity events, visitors get to meet church leaders and learn about the various ministry opportunities available here to assist in discerning if Trinity is the faith community for them.


Team Leader: Tammie Sorenson [email protected] 

  • Visitation Ministry: Pastor Becca, Audrey Steel
  • Sunday Morning Hospitality Coordinators:
    Marilyn Pinzger, [email protected],
    Kathy Baas, [email protected]